CONCURS PÚBLIC: Tècnic/a Superior en Ecologia i Territori

Centre de Recerca: Consorci Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona (IERMB) Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès) Sector/activitat: L’IERMB és un consorci públic d’investigació que desenvolupa la seva recerca en les àrees social, econòmica i territorial dins dels àmbits urbans, metropolitans i regionals on conflueixen els interessos de la universitat, l’administració […]

OFERTA DE EMPLEO: 3-year Post-Doc position (100% TV-L E13) at Freie Universität Berlin Modelling ecosystem dynamics, management and benefits in German grasslands

Are you interested in evaluating the pros an cons of different modelling approaches to assess ecosystem functions and services in grasslands? Would you like to quantify the uncertainties that arise from different approaches and to integrate your findings into economic decision models of natural capital values? And would you like to work in an inter- […]

The York Centre of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEIY) is recruiting a Research Assistant and a Project Coordinator. (Fecha límite envío de documentación 5 de septiembre)

Research Assistant: Department The York Centre of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEIY) is recruiting a Research Assistant to support interdisciplinary research on sustainable, resilient supply chains linked to the Stockholm Environment Institute’s Trase programme, the UKRI GCRF Trade, Development and Environment (Trade) Hub, and CASCADES project. Role You will support the Sustainable Consumption and Production […]

Ecological Economics (ECOLEC) is looking to hire an Assistant Editor

The journal Ecological Economics ( is seeking a part-time Assistant Editor to support the Editors in various activities. Responsibilities The Assistant Editor’s responsibilities include the following: • Content acquisition: commissioning and editing special issues with an open call and in cooperation with guest-editors; work with the International Society of Ecological Economics (ISEE) to develop special […]

Técnicx de Investigación e Incidencia en Desigualdad

En dependencia jerárquica de la Responsable del Área de Contenidos e Incidencia y funcionalmente del Responsable del Tema Estratégico de Desigualdad, tu objetivo será el de elaborar, ejecutar y evaluar la estrategia de contenidos e incidencia de desigualdad de acuerdo con la estrategia institucional. ¿Cuáles serán tus funciones? Asegurar la calidad y visión política de […]

Postdoctoral researcher on Macroeconomics, Finance and the Environment at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)

Position: Postdoctoral researcher on Macroeconomics, Finance and the Environment The Institute for Ecological Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) is currently inviting applications for a fulltime post-doc position. This employee position will be limited to a period of one year (additional funding opportunities might arise in the near future so to […]